Policy Contact:
Dean of Studies
To outline the purpose, membership and terms of reference of the Academic Standards and Risk Committee.
The Academic Standards and Risk Committee is limited to the Higher Education operations of the College.
Role of the Academic Standards and Risk Committee
The Academic Standards and Risk Committee is a subcommittee of the Academic Board and, as such, has responsibility, delegated by the Academic Board, to examine the quality of teaching and learning at ECA, monitor course and student outcomes, analyse risks and advise the Learning Teaching and Research Committee and the Academic Board of any actions they should consider. It is tasked to assist the Academic Board in monitoring compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF) and other guidelines of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
Responsibilities of the Academic Standards and Risk Committee
The ASR has the following responsibilities:
- Review student results and make determinations about student progress, monitor attrition, and grading requirements and review candidates eligibility for graduation.
- Monitor approvals for requests for transfer credit
- Monitor the outcomes of reports of academic integrity and formal grievances and prepare a summary report of incidents to the Academic Board every 6 months
- Receive and review comparative data on the tracking of grade distributions over time for units, areas of study, modes, locations and courses.
- Review student feedback reports, analyse risks, and make recommendations to the Academic Board of actions to improve the quality of delivery and teaching
- Monitor and ensure that all policies, along with any other relevant or required information, are available and accessible to students in accordance with the HESF.
- Monitor compliance with the Higher Education Standards (HESF) in regards to quality assurance and academic risk.
- Review external benchmarking requests and monitor ongoing benchmarking reports.
- Identify emerging threats to quality and raise these with Learning, Teaching & Research and/or the Academic Board.
- Comply with other directions from the Academic Board in relation to academic standards and risk as the Academic Board shall consider appropriate.
Powers of the Academic Standards & Risk Committee
The ASR shall have the following powers:
- Recommend the names of all candidates eligible for graduation to the Academic Board for approval and for the College Board to ratify.
- Approve the release of student results at the end of each teaching period.
- Take action and make recommendations to facilitate student progress, academic quality and student support in accordance with the ethos and policies of the College.
- To approve all published course and provider information (including website and collateral) within their terms of reference
- Advise and make recommendations to the LTR and the Academic Board in relation to any and all aspects of academic quality standards and risks.
Members of the Academic Standards & Risk committee:
- Dean of Studies (Chair)
- The Registrar
- Director of Academic Administration and Quality Assurance
- Faculty representative
The Chairperson may also request the attendance at one or more meetings of the ASR of other members of staff or faculty of Eastern College Australia. These will normally be, but are not limited to:
- Course Coordinators
- Unit Coordinators
- Dean of Faculty
A quorum shall be at least three required members.
The Chair of the ASR shall be appointed by the Academic Board. The Chair shall be appointed for a period of three years and may be reappointed by the Academic Board for further terms. There is no limit to the number of terms that the Chair may serve. Should the appointed Chair choose to vacate the position or be unable to continue as Chair for any reason, before the expiry of the three year term, the Deputy Chair shall act as Chair until the Academic Board appoints a new Chair.
A Deputy Chair shall be appointed by the ASR Committee at their first meeting in each academic year or as soon as practicable thereafter.
The Committee will meet:
- At least six times annually
- At the end of each study period with course coordinators to review student results and progress.
- Provide Minutes of all meetings to the Academic Board
- Make recommendations to the Academic Board and Learning Teaching and Research Committee