Faculty Equivalence Policy


Next review
Tue, 19 May 2026

To outline how faculty equivalence is determined for ensuring a unit is being delivered by an academic with a qualification that is one level above that which is being taught.
(HESF 3.2.2; 3.2.3c and 3.2.4).

Approved on: 19 May 2023
Review cycle: 3 Years
Owned by

Learning, Teaching and Research Committee

Approved by

Academic Board

Policy Contact: 
Secretary, Learning Teaching and Research Committee

This policy is written to ensure compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and the TEQSA Guidance Note Equivalence of professional experience to academic qualifications. The standards and Guidance note specify that academic teaching staff must be qualified at least one AQF level above the course that students are enrolled in or who have equivalent relevant academic, professional, or practice-based experience in lieu of the formal qualifications. 


To outline how faculty equivalence is determined for ensuring a unit is being delivered by an academic with a qualification that is one level above that which is being taught.
(HESF 3.2.2; 3.2.3c and 3.2.4).


This policy applies all Higher Education coursework delivery staff whether employed by the College or a Third-Party Provider.


Parallel teaching - “any form of teaching that involves a significant component of undergraduate content forming part of a postgraduate course, or any form of teaching that involves undergraduate and postgraduate students being located in the same class” (University of Adelaide, 2006).

Faculty member – can be tenured or adjunct staff.

A Faculty member assigned to design the unit of study must have a qualification at least one AQF level above the AQF level of the award in which the unit is set (AQF n+1) and has done major study in the unit’s discipline area. This Faculty member may design the unit learning outcomes, content for delivery and the assessments (ready for assessment moderation). This Faculty member can deliver the unit and assess student performance on the approved assessment tasks. 
A Faculty member without a relevant AQF n+1 qualification must have a relevant qualification at the same level as that being taught. Professional experience or practice-based experience and expertise will only be used to determine equivalence of one AQF level.  
Where units of study are taught using parallel teaching, the qualification requirements of the Faculty member will relate to the highest level course in which any student in the unit is enrolled. 
The following table sets the expectations regarding equivalency unless subsequently excepted as listed after the table. 
Professional experience or practice-based experience and expertise includes teaching experience such as teaching in the College or other institutions at the same or lower AQF level, conducting professional development for practitioners in the discipline, giving public lectures, scholarship and professional practice. 
Evidence to determine equivalency may include leadership in the development of professional standards; performing a role that requires high order judgement and the provision of expert advice, or having roles at a senior level; managing significant projects in the field; testimonials; awards or other recognition that acknowledges leadership or expertise in the field of education; contributions in the field of study through participation in advisory boards and professional networks; having peer reviewed publications in the field of study or other publications such as books and reports; leadership or management of research acknowledged by peers. 
AQF Level Equivalent Requirement
Level 7
for the purpose of teaching at level 5 or 6
No equivalence. This is a minimum.
Level 8
for the purpose of teaching at level 7
  • Level 7 qualification. Current registration to practice if required for the profession.


  • three years relevant professional experience in the last 5 years,


  • enrolment in a relevant Level 9 course plus some relevant professional experience, together totalling 3 years.
Level 9
for the purpose of teaching at level 8
  • Level 8 qualification. Current registration to practice if required for the profession.


  • five years relevant professional experience in the last 10 years,


  • enrolment in a relevant Level 10 course plus some relevant professional experience, together totalling 5 years.
Level 10
for the purpose of teaching at level 9
  • Level 9 qualification. Current registration to practice if required for the profession.


  • 10 years full time equivalent professional experience with at least five of those years at a senior level,


  • enrolment in a relevant doctoral program plus some relevant professional experience, together totalling 10 years.


  • Fellow of a relevant learned society. (Fellows of learned or professional societies will be considered to satisfy these equivalence guidelines only where such appointments are made to either honour exceptional achievement and/or service).
The Dean/Head of School or Course Coordinator in conjunction with the Faculty Manager or Dean of Faculty are responsible for the appointment of Faculty staff and must be satisfied that the academic qualifications and professional experience or practice-based experience and expertise will provide the appropriate level of skills, knowledge, and application of skills and knowledge relevant to the learning outcomes of the unit to be designed and delivered. 
Occasional guest lecturers are exempted from these requirements but must bring knowledge and expertise suitable to the level of the unit. 
Tutors who tutor for units developed by someone with the appropriate level qualifications should have qualifications to the same level as the course being taught, appropriate professional experience and any relevant professional registration. Tutors must be under the guidance and oversight of a Faculty member who meets the standard. 
Practicum supervisors (internal or external) who assess workplace integrated learning but do not have the required AQF level qualification must have a Higher Education award in the discipline being assessed plus 5 years full time equivalence of professional experience or practice-based experience and expertise, in the last 10 years. 


Any Faculty staff, without the relevant AQF n+1 qualification, appointed under this Faculty Equivalence Policy must be guided and overseen by another academic who meets the required standard (HESF 3.2.4). 
Guidance and oversight in this context must include observation, guidance, and monitoring as set out below:  


• Observation of at least one teacher-directed learning session per semester for the first two semesters/study periods of the Faculty member’s teaching in any unit field.  
• Additional observation will occur where a need to improve teaching practice is identified either through observation or the monitoring set out below.  


• Meeting with the Faculty member to facilitate reflection on the observed delivery and to provide feedback that informs teaching practice.  
• Review the Unit Outline and provide constructive feedback before they are issued to the students.  


• Review the marks and grades awarded by the Faculty member for assessment tasks and address any concerns. Review student feedback on the Unit on the Faculty member’s performance. 
  • The academic providing oversight will keep a record of notes that concisely describe the observation, guidance, and monitoring set out above and any outcomes of the process. Such records will be provided to the relevant Head/Dean of School for subsequent reporting to the Academic Standards and Risks Committee. 

Quality Assurance  

Any teaching appointments made under this Faculty Equivalence Policy should be reported by respective Head/Dean of School to the Academic Standards and Risks Committee (ASR) including the rationale for such appointments and of supervision arrangements in place. The ASR should also receive reports from the respective Head/Dean of School regarding the effectiveness of the supervision arrangements when the period of supervision is ended so they (ASR) can determine if any further supervision is required.