Issuing of AQF Qualifications Policy (VET)


Next review
Wed, 17 February 2027

This policy ensures that any AQF qualification documents issued by the College complies with Standard 3 of the RTO Standards. 

Approved on: 17 Feb 2024
Review cycle: 3 Years
Owned by

Director of VET

Approved by

Director of VET

Policy Contact: 
Director of VET

The Australian Skills Qualification Association (ASQA) has a number of standards related to the continuing registration of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Clause 1, Clause 2 and Clause 3 of Standard 3 mandate the need for the College to ensure that any AQF qualifications that are issued meet several specific requirements. Specifically, the standard requires:
Clause 1
The RTO issues AQF certification documentation only to a learner whom it has assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course.
Clause 2
All AQF certification documentation issued by an RTO meets the requirements of Schedule 5 listed below:
Issuing AQF Qualifications

  • RTOs must include the following information on the testamur, in addition to the requirements of the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy:
  • the name, RTO code and logo of the issuing organisation;
  • the code and title of the awarded AQF qualification; and
  • the NRT Logo in accordance with the current conditions of use contained in Schedule 4 (given below).

Conditions of Use of NRT Logo
The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to AQF certification documentation. The NRT Logo is a registered trade mark.
The following describes a range of situations and conditions for using the NRT Logo.
Advertisements and promotional information in any medium (print, television, radio, banners, internet, etc.)
1. RTOs registered by any VET Regulator may use the NRT Logo to promote nationally recognised training provided that training is within the RTO’s scope of registration.
2. Impressions must not be created that may lead an observer to conclude the NRT Logo applies to all training provided by the RTO, if this is not the case. The NRT Logo cannot be used by an RTO where the training is accredited, but is outside the scope of registration of the RTO. Where training is being promoted and does not meet the requirements stipulated in the VET Quality Framework or is outside the RTO’s scope of registration, it must be made clear the NRT Logo is not associated with that training.
3. Use of the NRT Logo is only permitted where there is a direct relationship to an AQF qualification and/or unit of competency as specified within training packages or VET accredited courses.
Student information (brochures, course handbooks, prospectuses, etc.)
4. When an RTO is promoting the training it offers and wishes to use the NRT Logo, its promotional material such as brochures, handbooks and prospectuses must clearly distinguish between nationally recognised training within the scope of registration and that which is not nationally recognised.
Corporate stationery, business cards, buildings, training resources and marketing products
5. The NRT Logo must not be used on products such as corporate stationery, business cards, building signage, mouse pads, pens, satchels, packaging around products nor learning resources supporting training.
Certificates, Statements of Attainment and other testamurs
6. The NRT Logo must be depicted on all AQF certification documentation issued by the RTO. These can only be issued by an RTO when the qualification and/or unit of competency are within the RTO’s scope of registration. The NRT Logo must not be depicted on other testamurs or transcripts of results.

  • The following elements are to be included on the testamur as applicable:
  1. the State / Territory Training Authority logo (only where use of the logo is directed by State / Territory Training Authorities, e.g. within User Choice contracts);
  2. the industry descriptor, e.g. Engineering;
  3. the occupational or functional stream, in brackets, e.g. (Fabrication);
  4. where relevant, the words, ‘achieved through Australian Apprenticeship arrangements’; and
  5. where relevant, the words, ‘these units/modules have been delivered and assessed in <insert language> followed by a listing of the relevant units/modules.
  • RTOs must not include the learner’s Student Identifier on the testamur consistent with the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
  • RTOs will:
  1. retain registers of AQF qualifications they are authorised to issue and of all AQF qualifications issued;
  2. retain records of AQF certification documentation issued for a period of 30 years; and
  3. provide reports of Records of qualifications issued to its VET Regulator on a regular basis as determined by the VET Regulator.

 Issuing Statements of Attainment

  • RTOs must include the following information on a statement of attainment:
  1. the name, RTO Code and logo of the issuing organisation;
  2. a list of units of competency (or modules where no units of competency exist) showing their full title and the national code for each unit of competency;
  3. the authorised signatory;
  4. the NRT Logo;
  5. the issuing organisation’s seal, corporate identifier or unique watermark;
  6. the words ‘A statement of attainment is issued by a Registered Training Organisation when an individual has completed one or more accredited units’;
  • The following elements are to be included on the statement of attainment as applicable:
  1. the State/Territory Training Authority logo (only where use of the logo is directed by State/ Territory Training Authorities);
  2. the words ‘These competencies form part of [code and title of qualification(s)/course(s)]’;
  3. the words, ‘These competencies were attained in completion of [code] course in [full title]’; and
  4. where relevant, the words, ‘these units / modules have been delivered and assessed in <insert language>’ followed by a listing of the relevant units/modules.
  • RTOs must not include the learner’s Student Identifier on the statement of attainment consistent with the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
  • RTOs will:
  1. maintain registers of all statements of attainments issued;
  2. retain records of statements of attainment issued for a period of 30 years; and
  3. provide reports of its records of statements of attainment issued to its VET Regulator on a regular basis, as determined by the VET Regulator.

Clause 3
AQF certification documentation is issued to a learner within 30 calendar days of the learner being assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product if the training program in which the learner is enrolled is complete, and providing all agreed fees the learner owes to the RTO have been paid. 


This policy ensures that any AQF qualification documents issued by the College complies with Standard 3 of the RTO Standards. 


The policy relates to all College staff engaged in VET academic administration and compliance.


The College shall ensure that AQF qualification documents will only be issued to students whom it has assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course. These qualification documents will incorporate units of competency from other RTOs where a Credit Transfer has been made.
Furthermore, after receiving the completed form and payment of the appropriate fee the College shall provide to a student any requested Transcript or Statement of Attainment.
The College will include the following information on the testamur:

  • the name, RTO code and logo of the College
  • the code and title of the awarded AQF qualification
  • the NRT Logo

The College will include the following information on a transcript/statement of attainment:

  • the name, RTO code and logo of the College
  • a list of units of competency (or modules where no units of competency exist) showing their full title and the national code for each unit of competency;
  • the authorised signatory
  • the NRT Logo
  • the issuing organisation’s seal, corporate identifier or unique watermark
  • the words ‘A statement of attainment is issued by a Registered Training Organisation when an individual has completed one or more accredited units’

The College shall retain records as follows:

  • registers of AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment it is authorised to issue and of all AQF qualifications issued
  • AQF certification documentation and Statements of Attainment issued for a period of 30 years
  • reports of Records of qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued to its VET Regulator

The College will not include the learner’s Student Identifier on a testamur, transcript or statement of attainment.

The College will issue AQF certification documentation to a student within 30 calendar days of the learner being assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product if the training program in which the learner is enrolled is complete, if all fees have been paid.