Training and Assessment Policy - VET
This policy establishes a framework for complying with Standard 1 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 made under the National vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
Standard 1 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requires that the RTO’s training and assessment strategies and practices are responsive to industry and learner needs and meet the requirements of training packages and VET accredited courses. The specific components of this standard covered by this policy are:
1.1. The RTO’s training and assessment strategies and practices, including the amount of training they provide, are consistent with the requirements of training packages and VET accredited courses and enable each learner to meet the requirements for each unit of competency or module in which they are enrolled.
1.2. For the purposes of Clause 1.1, the RTO determines the amount of training they provide to each learner with regard to:
b) the mode of delivery; and
c) where a full qualification is not being delivered, the number of units and/or modules being delivered as a proportion of the full qualification.
1.3. The RTO has, for all of its scope of registration, and consistent with its training and assessment strategies, sufficient:
b) educational and support services to meet the needs of the learner cohort/s undertaking the training and assessment;
c) learning resources to enable learners to meet the requirements for each unit of competency, and which are accessible to the learner regardless of location or mode of delivery; and
d) facilities, whether physical or virtual, and equipment to accommodate and support the number of learners undertaking the training and assessment.
1.4. The RTO meets all requirements specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course.
1.5. The RTO’s training and assessment practices are relevant to the needs of industry and informed by industry engagement.
1.6. The RTO implements a range of strategies for industry engagement and systematically uses the outcome of that industry engagement to ensure the industry relevance of:
b) the current industry skills of its trainers and assessors.
1.7. The RTO determines the support needs of individual learners and provides access to the educational and support services necessary for the individual learner to meet the requirements of the training product as specified in training packages or VET accredited courses.
1.8. The RTO implements an assessment system that ensures that assessment (including recognition of prior learning):
b) is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment contained in Table 1.8-1 and the Rules of Evidence contained in Table 1.8-2.
Table 1.8-1: Principles of Assessment
Fairness |
Flexibility | Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:
Validity | Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Validity requires:
Reliability | Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment. |
Table 1.8-2: Rules of Evidence
Validity | The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. |
Sufficiency | The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency. |
Authenticity | The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. |
Currency | The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past. |
This policy applies to all involved in the promotion and delivery of VET courses.
It is the responsibility of the Director of VET to ensure that there is a current and effective training and assessment strategy for every VET course offered within the College’s scope of registration, and to implement such strategies.
A training and assessment strategy (TAS) shall be developed by the Course Coordinator for each VET qualification prior to delivering any component of the qualification and the TAS shall be reviewed by the Director of VET, or delegated representative, on an annual basis. The TAS for each course shall be consistently used in all teaching locations, with some approved changes to cater to the specific local cohort profiles. All changes to the TAS for a particular course must be approved by the Manager, VET courses (or the Director of VET as appropriate), prior to course delivery.
It is the responsibility of the Director of VET (or delegated representative) to ensure that the College’s handbooks and advertising materials are reviewed and updated to reflect any variations to the training and assessment strategies.
Representatives of potential employer groups shall be encouraged and specifically invited to provide insight, advice and feedback relating to the training and assessment procedures of the College. Details of such consultations shall be recorded in the respective Training and Assessment Strategy document of the relevant course.