Co-operation with Government Authorities Procedures - VET


Next review
Mon, 16 February 2026

To establish responsibilities for the ensuring that the College, and third parties who deliver VET courses on behalf of the College, respond appropriately to the VET Regulator, the VET funding authority, and any other government authority.

Approved on: 16 Feb 2024
Review cycle: 2 Years
Owned by

VET Co-ordinator

Approved by


Policy Contact: 
Director of VET

To establish responsibilities for the ensuring that the College, and third parties who deliver VET courses on behalf of the College, respond appropriately to the VET Regulator, the VET funding authority, and any other government authority.


These procedures apply to the Director of VET and the Registrar.


Responsibilities of the Director of VET

  1. Ensure that any Memorandum of Understanding with a third party for delivery of services on behalf of the College will commit the third party to providing the following to the VET Regulator:

    • Accurate responses to information requests relevant to the delivery of services
    • Access to their premise for the purpose of conducting audits and monitoring operations
  2. Ensure co-operation with any VET regulatory, funding, or other government authority.
  3. Provide quality and performance indicator data upon request by a Regulator.
  4. Provide information to the VET Regulator and VET Funding Authority about substantial changes to its operations or any event that would significantly affect the College’s ability to comply with the regulatory standards within 90 calendar days of the change occurring.
  5. Provide an annual declaration to the VET Regulator of the following:
  6. The College complies with the Standards across its scope of registration.
  7. The College has met the Standards for issuing AQF certification documentation issued in the previous twelve months.
  8. The College has training and assessment strategies in place to ensure all learners will be trained and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Standards.
  9. Notify the Regulator and VET Funding Authority  of any written agreement with a third party to deliver services on its behalf within 30 calendar days of that agreement being entered into or prior to the obligations under the agreement taking effect, whichever occurs first.
  10. Notify the Regulator and VET Funding Authority of any agreement coming to an end within 30 calendar days.
  11. Provide information to the Regulator and VET Funding Authority about substantial changes to its ownership within 90 calendar days of the change occurring.
  12. Publish on the College's website a copy of the most recent Quality Indicators.
  13. Publish a summary of the College's latest registration audit information in a prominent position on the College's website.
  14. Facilitate VET Regulator and VET Funding Authority access to the College site for the purpose of conducting audits and monitoring the College’s operations.

Responsibilities of the Registrar

  1. Provide prompt and accurate responses to any request for information by the VET Regulator and VET Funding Authority.
  2. Ensure that all records relating to the training and assessment of students are retained and then archived.
  3. Ensure that all records can be retrieved and will transfer records upon request to the VET Regulator and VET Funding Authority.
  4. Collect data on the employment status of each eligible individual completing or withdrawing from training. Submit this data to the VET Funding Authority in the format, and by the date specified by the Department.
  5. Ensure all AVETMISS fields are correctly filled.
  6. Verify the residential address of individuals eligible for Skills Vic funding to ensure they are meeting residency requirements.