Learning Teaching and Research Committee Terms of Reference
To outline the purpose, membership and terms of reference of the Learning Teaching and Research Committee.
Role of the Learning Teaching and Research Committee
The Learning, Teaching and Research Committee (LTR) is a subcommittee of the Academic Board and, as such, has responsibility, delegated by the Academic Board, to develop and implement quality learning, teaching and research across the Higher Education (HE) courses of Eastern College Australia. It is tasked to assist the Academic Board in applying the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF) and other guidelines of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
Responsibilities of the Learning Teaching and Research Committee
The LTR has the following responsibilities:
- Develop, implement and report to the Academic Board on the Learning, Teaching and Research Development Plan, in line with the strategic direction of Eastern College Australia as determined by the College Board.
- Develop and review for Academic Board approval and promote policies and procedures that ensure quality learning, teaching and research are implemented in line with the HESF.
- Develop and implement quality learning, teaching, assessment and research practices in accordance with best practices in adult higher education and meeting the needs of the relevant industry sectors informed by stakeholders' input and feedback.
- Develop and review for Academic Board approval and promote policies and procedures that ensure quality student support, related to, but not limited to facilities, learning environments (including professional placements) and resources throughout the course (including ICT); to facilitate the learning needs of all students and enable them to achieve the learning outcomes of their course.
- Encourage scholarship of tertiary teaching and learning and foster a culture of scholarly practice across the whole college.
- Consider and approve proposals for modifications to HE courses and units during an accreditation period. Where such changes are substantive, LTR shall make recommendations to the Academic Board for approval.
- Review and recommend HE course development proposals for the approval of the Academic Board for any course seeking accreditation or reaccreditation.
- Comply with other directions from the Academic Board in relation to learning, teaching and research as the Academic Board shall consider appropriate.
Powers of the Learning Teaching and Research Committee
The LTR shall have the following powers:
- Take action and make recommendations to facilitate quality learning, teaching, assessment and research practices and student support in accordance with the Learning, Teaching and Research Development Plan and Policies of the College.
- Take action and make recommendations on the design, content and conduct of courses.
The members of the Learning, Teaching and Research Committee will comprise of the following:
- General Manager
- Dean of Studies
- Dean of Faculty
- Director of VET
The Chairperson is appointed by the Academic Board and will recommend to the Academic Board other members as required. The Chairperson may also request the attendance at one or more meetings of the LTR of other members of staff or faculty of Eastern College Australia for the purpose of drawing on their knowledge or expertise in the performance of the LTR's responsibilities.
The Deputy Chair is appointed by the LTR Committee at their first meeting in each academic year or as soon as practicable thereafter.
A quorum shall be fifty percent of members including at least three required members.
The Chair of the LTR shall be appointed by the Academic Board. The Chair shall be appointed for a period of three years and may be reappointed by the Academic Board for further terms. There is no limit to the number of terms that the Chair may serve. Should the appointed Chair choose to vacate the position or be unable to continue as Chair for any reason, before the expiry of the three year term, the Deputy Chair shall act as Chair until the Academic Board appoints a new Chair.
The LTR shall meet at least 6 times a year or more frequently as required.
Minutes of the meeting shall be taken and circulated in a timely fashion.
The LTR shall report regularly to the Academic Board including providing the Academic Board with copies of the minutes of the LTR meetings and an annual report and assurance of compliance with the HESF. The LTR shall also supply to the Academic Board copies of any specific report or reports required by the Academic Board from time to time. The Learning, Teaching and Research Development Plan will be regularly reviewed, and progress reported to the Academic Board.
Review and Assessment of Learning, Teaching and Research Committee
A review of the LTR's practice and processes shall be conducted every five years or as appropriate, including in the case of alterations in the regulatory framework governing Higher Education Providers.