Title | Approved on | Purpose |
Academic Board Terms of Reference | Thursday, 23 June, 2022 |
Role of the Academic Board
The quality of Higher Education providers is overseen and regulated by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), applying standards set by the Minister for Education, primarily under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF) or such other guidelines enacted from time to time. It is recognised by TEQSA that a degree of separation between corporate governance and academic governance is a long-standing practice and facilitates effective oversight of academic issues. Consistent with this practice, the Governing Board of Eastern College Australia (the Board) wishes to delegate academic oversight to the Academic Board under the following terms of reference.
Pursuant to this delegation, the Academic Board, as a sub-committee of the Board, shall be the peak academic body of Eastern College Australia for consideration of academic issues including policy development and decision-making to assure the quality of teaching, learning, research and research training.
Academic Freedom Policy | Thursday, 9 August, 2018 |
To clarify the rights and responsibilities that faculty have regarding academic freedom. |
Academic Integrity Policy | Friday, 15 September, 2023 |
Eastern College Australia (ECA) is committed to promoting academic integrity amongst staff and students and to detect and manage breaches of academic integrity. |
Academic Standards and Risk Committee Terms of Reference | Thursday, 7 November, 2024 |
To outline the purpose, membership and terms of reference of the Academic Standards and Risk Committee. |
Accreditation of Faculty and Other Academics as Research Supervisors | Monday, 23 April, 2018 |
To provide a process whereby faculty and other academics can be accredited by Eastern College Australia as research supervisors. |
Appointment and Role of Honorary Staff | Thursday, 14 April, 2022 |
This policy describes a key measure through which the College may recognise members of the community who contribute to the life of the College, or are expected to do so, in a substantial and ongoing manner. |
Assessment and Grading Policy | Thursday, 9 November, 2023 |
The Assessment and Grading Policy establishes a framework for development and implementation of learning strategies; validation of marking and assessment; grading of assessments; and subdivision of grades. |
Assessment Moderation Policy | Thursday, 9 November, 2023 |
The aim of assessment moderation is to ensure consistency and fairness of the marking and grading processes. Moderation is especially important where units are delivered in multiple modes, at multiple campuses or where there is no quantitative marking rubric. Assessment moderation enhances confidence in assessment outcomes for both academics and students, Assessment moderation is applied at three stages: assessment design and development; marking and grading; and review and student evaluation. |
Commonwealth Supported Places Policy | Sunday, 15 November, 2015 |
The purpose of this policy and accompanying information is to:
Course Development Policy | Thursday, 30 March, 2023 |
This policy describes the requirements and principles governing the College’s accredited coursework courses. This policy:
Course Management Policy | Thursday, 6 June, 2024 |
This policy describes the requirements and principles governing changes to the College's accredited coursework courses. This policy:
Course Review (Annual) Policy | Thursday, 23 June, 2022 |
This policy sets the requirements for Annual Course Reviews by the Dean of Studies and appraisal by the ASR and LTR committees for the Academic Board. |
Course Transition and Teaching Out Policy | Friday, 23 June, 2023 |
To outline the process to be undertaken when varying a course structure or discontinuing a course. |
Credit Transfer Policy | Monday, 7 February, 2022 |
This document sets out the College’s policy and process for granting credit for prior learning that contributes towards satisfying the requirements for an award of the College. Credit may be granted based on recognition of formal studies from a previously completed or partially completed program or qualification, and recognition of prior informal or non-formal learning. |
Deferring, suspending or cancelling an overseas student’s enrolment | Thursday, 9 November, 2023 |
This policy addresses the requirements of the National Code of Practice (2018) standard 9. Specifically it documents how the College:
Delivery with other Parties Arrangements and Performance Monitoring Policy | Monday, 22 May, 2023 |
This policy stipulates the risk management and quality assurance processes that must be applied to all of the College’s delivery with other parties arrangements. |
English Proficiency Policy | Monday, 17 February, 2025 |
The English Proficiency Policy is to set the standard of English proficiency required for admissions to the College for all courses. |
External Course Advisory Panel Terms of Reference | Monday, 15 November, 2021 |
To outline the purpose, membership and terms of reference of External Course Advisory Panels. |
Faculty Equivalence Policy | Friday, 19 May, 2023 |
To outline how faculty equivalence is determined for ensuring a unit is being delivered by an academic with a qualification that is one level above that which is being taught. |
Grants Policy | Monday, 5 March, 2018 |
To provide clarity as to reasonable expectations when applying for, and managing, competitive grants. The roles and responsibilities of both Chief Investigators and the College are discussed. |
Higher Education Awards and Certification Policy | Thursday, 14 April, 2022 |
This policy sets out the requirements for determining and ratifying student eligibility for an award, and requirements for ensuring documentation issued is accurate and prevents against fraudulent use. |
Learning Teaching and Research Committee Terms of Reference | Thursday, 22 June, 2023 |
To outline the purpose, membership and terms of reference of the Learning Teaching and Research Committee. |
Library Policy | Thursday, 9 November, 2023 |
To provide guidelines for the operation of the library. |
Online Delivery Policy | Thursday, 14 April, 2022 |
To outline the policy for the delivery of teaching and learning via any technology enhanced learning. The College shall utilise learning technologies and practices that deliver quality teaching which promotes and supports student learning. |
Parallel Teaching Policy | Thursday, 14 April, 2022 |
This policy exists to guide where economic and practical circumstances dictate that students from different levels of study are taught simultaneously in the same class.