Refund Policy
To establish a policy that is reasonable in ensuring that Higher Education and VET students are not penalised unfairly in scenarios relating to their withdrawal from study.
This policy is written to comply with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and the ESOS Act 2000.
This refund policy applies to all Higher Education and VET courses delivered by Eastern College Australia to domestic students and overseas students.
- All FEE-HELP and HECS-HELP students should familiarise themselves with the FEE-HELP and HECS-HELP refund policy outlined on the studyassist [1] website.
- The refund process is activated by withdrawal from a unit, which has been notified to the College on a submitted Unit Withdrawal Form [2] or Course Withdrawal [3] or Course Deferral [4] Form.
- Please note that a student may not withdraw from a unit after the last day of delivery.
- For domestic students who withdraw after the final day of enrolment but prior to the commencement of the unit or after commencement of the unit but on or before the census date (detailed on the timetable and the Unit Guide) are required to pay a penalty fee.
- For domestic students there is only one cut-off date for refunds, which is the census date for Higher Education Courses [5] relevant to the units in which they are enrolled. Each unit of study has a census date which is published on the college timetable [6] and on the Unit Guide. For VET students the cut off date for refunds is the first day of delivery for the unit.
- For overseas students studying vocational courses, there is no refund after unit commencement.
Withdrawal before commencement of course or unit
A student who has paid tuition fees for a course or unit and does not commence that course or unit will receive a full refund of the tuition fees paid for that course or unit. The student will be invoiced for any relevant penalty fee ( [7]).
For an overseas student whose student visa application has been unsuccessful, the refund will be made according to the provision of the ESOS Act 2000.
Withdrawal after commencement of course or unit, on or before the census date (for domestic students)
If a student withdraws from a unit or units on or prior to the advertised census date, the full amount of tuition fees paid in advance will be refunded. Students paying by FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP will not have this tuition fee added to their FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP student loan. No fee will apply.
Withdrawal after commencement of course or unit after the census date (for domestic students)
If a student withdraws from a unit or units after the census date, and no special circumstances apply, the student will not receive a refund of any tuition fees paid for the unit or units and any FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP debt which the student has incurred will not be re-credited. If special circumstances do apply, the FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP debt will be re-credited and any tuition fees paid in advance to Eastern College Australia will be refunded according to the review policy. Special circumstances are circumstances that:
- Are beyond the student's control
- Did not make their full impact until on or after the census date of the unit of study
- Made it impracticable for the student to complete their unit of study requirements
Withdrawal after commencement of course or unit (for overseas students)
If an overseas student withdraws from the course or units of competency after course commencement, there is no refund for any units which have started. Tuition fees paid for units which have not started can be considered for refund.
If an overseas student has their student visa refused or cancelled or their study rights refused for any reason, any unspent tuition fees will be refunded.
Provider Default
If Eastern College Australia is, for any reason, unable to complete the delivery of training/education for which a student has paid fees, the full fees paid for the training/education that has not been delivered will be refunded within 10 business days of the cessation of the delivery of that training/education.
Any fees paid for a course or unit that is not delivered (e.g. because of insufficient enrolments) will be fully refunded.
Refund Policy for Audit Study
There is no refund available for audit study once classes have commenced.